Monday, 20 December 2010

Jog on!

A lot has been happening lately and work has been hectic so barely had any time to write about the beagle despite his antics being as odd as ever. He is now a one-and-a-half-should-be-better-behaved beeg but seems to have developed a full-fledged personality now and reached doggy adolescence in that he doesn't mindlessly bound towards everything with the same joie de vivre of the recently born. He still does with most things (especially if those things are edible) but I have noticed a certain slouching, certain disdainful attitude creeping in. One of Monty's new found pet hates (pun fully intended) are the innocent, health boosting, cardio-aware people who pound the pavements: joggers.

I don't know what it is that upsets him so. It does seem to be when we are driving somewhere. He will wait until we are just about alongside to launch himself face first at the window and giving them a short, loud burst of barking disapproval. This sudden outburst is more effective as often, he'll catch their eye as we meander towards them; lulling them into a false sense of security that he is just a cute little dog interested in endurance training. He likes to wait until that last second so that as we pass, they invariably get a fright and amuse him with a little potentially ankle-breaking foot wobble. I am worried about this sudden bout of schadenfreude!