Exhitbit B takes the form of photographic evidence. Taken this morning, the innocent looking beagle poses in front of the back door. Through this aperture, the remnants of a pillow can be seen. The pillow has clearly been savaged and its innards strewn about the garden in what I don't doubt was a mad, dizzyingly fun escapade. The interesting point is that it was carried out with such stealth and cunning that it went totally undetected. Notice the beagle holding his gaze with the camera as if completely unaware of the carnage behind him. 'Me? No, no... there are some particularly vicious birds out this morning. I wouldn't be hanging out any washing if I were you. Those birds. Tut. While we're on the subject, I think I saw a few fly into your sock drawer should you notice anything untoward a little later on....'
Exhibit C is the mid-woof picture. A lapse on

haha, love the savaged pillow!